Pink friday 2 Nicki Minaj

New release date of “Pink Friday 2” album by Nicki Minaj revealed

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Pink friday 2 Nicki MinajA few days after releasing  a freestyle called For All The Barbz over Drake  “All The Parties”,Nicki Minaj works towards another release titled “Pink friday 2″

To give a clue on the album content,Nicki minaj unveiled a track called ‘Bahm Bahm‘ which is still under probability of being among the LP to the the album tracklist.

As pre arranged ,the album was set to drop on the 20th of October ,later reshifted to november 17th ,has now been postponed by the star rapper To a more memorable date.

The album “pink friday 2” Is now set to release on 8th of December 2023 and in turn marks her birthday.

During an Instagram live,Nicki minaj updated her fans of the recent changes,as she said:

“The new album date for this incredible body of work, that I am so proud of is on a special day to me and to the Barbz — it will come out on my birthday,”

“Pink Friday 2 I am so happy to announce will be out on my birthday.”She added.

Fans are not only in anticipation of the album nor her birthday But also a release of  a new perfume as announced by the star rapper,Nicki minaj.

The new perfume brand called “Pink Friday 2” will be in for a partnership with Amazon & JC Penny