Drake Confirms Arrested in Sweden

Drake Confirms Arrested in Sweden
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Maybe there are some things you all don’t know about Drake last year 2022. Sure Drake a very pretty good year in 2022. Dropping records, new songs, new albums and more. But Drake who caught arrested last year might be unbeknownst to you on that particular trend.

It’s 2023, and Drake has unveiled what went down on July 14th 2022. Drake getting arrested will be another round of heavy-duty where social media will definitely turn into “Free Drake” with hashtags applied. Since Drake’s career, we haven’t seen the rapper arrested for any potential reason. However, last year was slightly about that.

Particularly on July 14th, Drake was reportedly said to have been arrested due to having marijuana. It was all happening in Sweden at that moment. Though the news didn’t trend maybe it’s because it wasn’t true despite seeing some hashtags.

Drake arrested photo
Police Drake was taken into a car

Well, the news was that Drake was arrested because Drizzy himself has confirmed it by posting on his Instagram account. Below we have shared a short video where someone that looks like Drake was taken for a detain. Things about Drake July run-in with authorities wasn’t clear enough since there have not been any more details about Drake.

Looks like things all got fixed at some moment. But sharing the photo of himself being taken to custody shows that was arrested. You might want to see below the post. Drake posted this just this year after his successful accomplishment of 2022.

Drake arrested video

Just like we said, we haven’t seen Drake in such before. However, fans were all happy that Drake is still living his life, not as an ex-convict. Drake so far has planned his 2023 and you need to see what he will be offering to us in this new. Drake was one of the rappers we compiled their 2022 songs and features respectively. You can also check it out.


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