Gunplay was Arrested for Getting Too Close to Estranged Wife With Ankle Monitor On

Gunplay was Arrested for Getting Too Close to Estranged Wife With Ankle Monitor On
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Gunplay was Arrested for Getting Too Close to Estranged Wife With Ankle Monitor On

Gunplay Arrested for Getting Too Close to Estranged Wife With Ankle Monitor On

On October 26th (Thursday ), TMZ reported that Gunplay is currently behind bars at the Miami-Dade County Jail as a result of getting too close to his estranged wife Vonshae Taylor-Morales. Sources told the outlet the rapper’s GPS ankle monitor went off, and he was detained on Wednesday (Oct. 25) outside Vonshae’s home. The Florida Department of Corrections Community Control was notified he was in the area, and Miami-Dade County Sheriff’s deputies reportedly beat Gunplay to the house. He got arrested before he interacted with Vonshae and her child. This marks the eighth time Gunplay has violated the restraining order, and he was booked on Wednesday at 7:10 pm.

Gunplay Loses Custody of Daughter

On 10th October  (Tuesday), TMZ published an update in the saga of Gunplay’s custody battle after he was accused of pointing a rifle at his wife and baby last month. According to the celebrity news site, a judge made the decision to take away custody from Gunplay on Monday (Oct. 9). A decision that can only be reversed if his estranged wife Vonshae Taylor-Moralesrequests the court grant him custody, which seems unlikely, considering the alarming chain of events that dissolved their marriage.Currently, the Miami rapper is only reportedly allowed monitored virtual visits with his daughter via an app called TalkingParents and visits have to be set and monitored by the court.

Gunplay’s estranged wife Vonshae Taylor-Morales is also asking the court for child support.
