DaBaby they just want

Watch DaBaby “They Just Want Your Life” Video

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DaBaby is simply working on a new album and we can clearly see that. DaBaby They Just Want Your Life is another music video from the rapper.

So far, his previous single was Industry which he also released this month and now They Want Your Life is the second song we are seeing on.

You can watch the music video below while we wait for him to announce any new 2023 album, probably which will come later this year.

From the title of the music video, you should be able to understand what DaBaby They Just Want Your Life is all about. Though he raps About haters.

While they keep hating on him, he never minds about that but keeps minding his business. DaBaby released an album last year Baby On Baby 2. He will also drop a new one this year.

DaBaby also loves shooting music videos with his children. At least we have seen him in multiple music videos where he played with his daughter. Just like the above one.

You can also watch his Christmas song video Joc In 06 which featured his song and daughter. Let us know what you think about this music video album. It’s a cool video though.