Travis Scott Reveals he will begin School After his Circus Maximus Tour
The rapper Travis Scott has revealed his interest in moving further academically as he stated that he will be going back to school to study architecture in Harvard University after his Circus Maximus Tour.
This actually came to the public notice after his interview with GQ surfaced online on Wednesday (Nov. 15), which saw he rapper talking about his plans of becoming a full time student in Harvard University after his Circus Maximus Tour.
This sounds a kind of odd to most of his fans, but the rapper brought it to become more of a reality to them after he revealed that he has really gone very far with he admission process and when everything is set, he would move back to Boston and become a full te student in Harvard University.
Meanwhile, the rapper also stated the processes he has to go through for him to be able to gain admission in to the university, according to him, he really have to work very hard. “I’m going to Harvard for architecture school, I got to work hard to get in. They’re not letting me take any shortcuts.”
Meanwhile, his hosts at the interview was more concerned on how he is going to be able to handle both his career and studying, also following the fact that he jas already been nominated as the Best rap Album in the upcoming Grammy thay will take place next year February 2024.
Then, also told them a bit of his plans so far concerning the issue of him handling both studying and music career, “Well, I told myself after this album I was going to go in. So after the tour.” And about his nomination, he will also know how to handle everything when the time comes.