Nle Choppa Explains Meaning Behind Son’s Name “ChoZen Wone Da’shun”

Nle Choppa Explains Meaning Behind Son’s Name “ChoZen Wone Da’shun”
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NLE Choppa is describing the meaning of his new son’s name “ChoZen Wone Da’shun” and it is going viral on the internet

On the 16 August (wednesday), Nle Choppa and Marrisa Da’Nae welcomed a baby boy into the world; They named the boy ChoZen Wone Da’shun; in short time, the name was a trending topic on the internet

NLE Choppa responded to comments by explaining the meaning behind the name on instagram

”Chozen – picked by God, God’s favorite and also Zenful energy, W(one), he already ‘won’ at life. And he’s also the chosen ‘one.’ Da’Shun, my middle name is La’Shun. Marissa’s name is Denae. Potts – of course my last name.”” NLE Chopper wrote on his Instagram Story.

NLE Choppa Again On Father hood

NLE Choppa is a father of two kids; he has a daughter named Clover ;Choppa and Marissa suffered a miscarriage trying to conceive last year march before baby ChoZen was welcomed into the world

Choppa recently spoke to the XXLMAG and talked about the importance o father hood
