J. Cole The Warm Up

J. Cole Shares First 2023 Song Procrastination (Broke)

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As a J. Cole fan, you should also expect a new album from this album. It was ace a very long year for him in 2022. But despite all that J. Cole will still deliver for his fans. Today, 19th of January, J Cole first 2023 song is titled Procrastination Broke.

J. Cole Procrastination Broke followed up his appearance on D-Day Gangsta Grillz tape that he dropped before last year’s Dreamville Fest. But that wasn’t the only song he released last year. At J. Cole was one of the top rappers on Aswehiphop 2022 compilation. Meanwhile, you can check out J. Cole 2022 songs and features for more of his songs.

Today, Aswehiphop will also begin J. Cole 2023 songs and features compilation. But first you will love to listen to J Cole first 2023 song, Procrastination Broke.

It turns out Cole searched “J. Cole type beats” on YouTube one day when looking for some inspiration and found an instrumental to write to. He let the producer put it up on his own page as a thank you. You can check out Cole’s text to the producer in the YouTube thumbnail too.

Below you can listen to the songs. Also, remember that J. Cole Dreamville Festival will be happening this year. It was announced last year you can check out the full details.