How Jay-Z and Diddy Avoid Career Destruction In 1999

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How Jay-Z and Diddy Slatter Career Destruction In 1999

Jay-Z and Diddy will always serve us their best tight-bond in relationship. These hip-hop moguls are product of street although couldn’t commit much street code sin like Tekashi 9 who got it’s new name as snitch, characterized by most mind as the worst that has happened to Hip-hop. We aren’t blaming new Hip-hop though.

Sean Combs and Hov historical abundance invented success story telling to youthful and upcoming rappers. But tracing Diddy’s and Jay’s fortunes. It was riddled with convict and both had past bad history yet ended on a high note, something majority of today’s minds dreams to become since there’s real examples like Diddy and Jay-Z’s success.

Recalling two decades old were both hauled into court following convict labeling Jay-Z and Combs crime possession. This Close-knit relationship between the two Forbes addicted didn’t start over decade old but has been on before decade. Jay-Z who inflected charges upon himself after stabbing a man and got arrested for his beyond misdemeanor. The story line still one of the most downside of the Billionaire rapper.

Actually the two built bad records over the past 20 years. Thanks they convinced the future with some other part of their lives. Even Diddy was arrested. According to NYPOST, Combs’ arrest, on weapons and bribery charges in an incident that left three injured, was huge news at the time — made all the more scandalous because his glamorous then-girlfriend, Jennifer Lopez, was also arrested.

Their career would have been something of that bad but they respective turn positive. Jay-Z is now an activist, rapper and business man who inspires upcoming. Diddy 50th-birthday was a thankful party and celebtion of memories, attention by notorious success hip-hop rappers. Jay-Z, Kanye West, Beyonce and more worth the birthday party.

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