DMX Under Apparition Over Unknown Attempted Murder

DMX Under Apparition Over Unknown Attempted Murder
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DM might fall into victim ? actually Amahiphop can’t give such extensive investigation conduct following Kelly new swirling development. An attempted murder occurred and it looks like a doppelgänger and putting the rapper on depiction. Columbia Police Department released a police sketch of the suspect showing DMX apparition and it’s being move around to, letting people 
point out the similarities.

During the shots range, witness wasn’t sure about his accuracy in dictating the assailant yet said the person looks like DMX. Incident took place last month and it was reported that the victim and unidentified man

DMX Murder

Police was able to figured the suspect sketch before he fled
leaving the victim injured on low body. Witness work with police for the sketch and insist the shooter looks like X. DMX was released from prison on January.


Links, a co-founder of Aswehiphop, has been dedicated to the platform since its inception in 2019, overseeing the curation of artist songs and features compilations.

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