Nicki Minaj 2022 Songs & Features
On this page, you will be able to stream all Nicki Minaj Featured songs in 2022. This page will continue to get updated until December 31st. Nicki Minaj has not dropped any album since this year but you have to hear what she said during her with Jada Pinkett Smith for Interview Magazine. While we wait for the new LP, below are the songs that have featured Nicki in 2022.
Nicki Minaj 2022 Songs and Features
- Do We Have A Problem
- We Go Up
- Super Girl Freaky
- Super Freaky Girl (Remix)
- Super Freaky Girl Roman version
- Likkle (Remix)
- Blick Blick (Feat)
- Love All The Way (Feat)
- I Admit (Feat)
TUKOH TAKA is FIFA World Cup from Nicki Minaj, Maluma and Myriam. This another song you can hear the young money queen rapping.
Blick Blick
Do you know all of Nicki Minaj featured songs including Blick Blick from Coi Leray’s new album Trendsetter?’ Blick Blick is of the songs that featured Nicki Minaj and the song received its official video. You can watch and listen to the song below.
Love In The Way
Nicki Minaj continues to grow her featured song in 2022 and another rapper who sought her attention on a song was Bleu. Bleu released his new song that featured Nicki Minaj on September 16th 2022 as Love In The Way. They later link back to the official music video. Nicki Minaj enjoys a collaboration that will also debut its video.
I Admit
This is NBA YoungBoy on Nicki Minaj. “Ma I Got A Family” is an album from NBA YoungBoy who finally close his deal with Atlantic Records. But is seal his deal, he released this part album which also served as his last album for records. From the album you get I Admit featuring Nicki Minaj. Of this is not the first time both have joined forces for a new song. You can also listen to their What That Speed Bout.
Other Nicki Minaj Features are Nicki Minaj featuring Lil Baby on “Do We Have A Problem”, Fivo Foreign on “We Go Up”, Likkle Miss on “The Fine Nine.”