Most Welcomed Video Power Powder Respect on Amahiphop U.S PMVC Jan. 2022
Amahiphop U.S premium music videos compilation is always an interesting watch, but since this month there have been a slew of great music videos. Previously, DaBabay made his first music video for this year. The Sneaky Link Anthem was appreciated. That video gave him more career front lately. Sure that’s not the end of this month’s hip hop music videos compilation. Unexpectedly, 50 Cent has also joined our compilation with Power Powder Respect featuring Lil Durk and Jeremih.
Power Powder Respect is a theme song for ‘Power Book IV: Force’. The appeal of the song is to get us ready for the release of 50 Cent’s Feb 6. Next month you all watch another film from Cent, the Power Book IV Force is simply on the way and you all are already playing the dope theme song. Watch the new music video, then you see some popular actors from the 50 Cent 50’s ever-popular Starz franchise.
So what is new again on Amahiphop PMVC. Well, both 50 Cent, Lil Durk and Jeremih did a pretty verse on this song. Fiddy has been using his POWER to maintain his rap career only if think the rapper is obsolete. PPR is directed by Eif Rivera as Lil Durk and 50 Cent about their hard-times hustling and their run-ins with the law. Jeremih leads with the song’s hook, singing, “I want that money and power, and powder!”
This video has been updated on Amahiphop PMVC where you can watch all the amazing videos for this month. It’s a cool list watch. Both Chris Brown-Iffy, Rick Ross-Wiggle, The Weeknd- Sacrifice and more videos to make your day great. Check out and watch the POWER POWDER RESPECT video.