Wendy Williams sparks romance rumors as she kisses meek mill

Wendy Williams sparks romance rumors as she kisses meek mill
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It looks like the talk show host, Wendy Williams has something with the 32 yrs old rapper meek mill.

Recently, during a party Rick Ross thew, in celebration of his newly released Album “Port of Miami 2” Wendy and meek mill had some kind of love going on. It appeared that the 55 yrs old Wendy, kissed meek mill on his cheek which is quite unusual for her.

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Fans are wondering if anything is going on with Wendy and meek mill.

“Wendy Williams out here living her best single life ever partying with hip hop starts #meekmill #rickross #wendywilliams,” a fan wrote

“Yasssss @WendyWilliams living your best life,”

Fan are happy for them as the live their best life and enjoy themselves during Rick Ross “port of Miami 2” celebration party. Also remember, Rick Ross “port of miami 2″ album.


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