Report: Donald Trump Lose Michigan Because Of Eminem

Report: Donald Trump Lose Michigan Because Of Eminem
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The US 2020 presidential election results is becoming dramatic since a lot has been in the gut, lately. Joe Biden remains so fly, though Trump folks aren’t living under a harbor with desperation attached.

While we can’t announce the winner of 2020 presidential election, officials are working relentlessly to present fair results yet people kept perciving Joe is having best win probably sooner.

However, there’s some States Joe Biden has taken coverage of and it also happens to be Michigan, one of the States Trump won high votes during 2016 election. But here’s 2020 it all flipped to Joe Biden win the state with the highest number of votes beating Trump. Well, that’s pretty cool to Eminem fans who are praising the rapper for his great support.

Eminem fans and their latest offerings really meant the rapper is behind Joe Biden winning Trump in Michigan. They’re saying the campaign ad Biden released on Monday (Nov. 2), which features Em’s 8 Mile hit “Lose Yourself,” was a contributing factor in the 77-year-old public figure winning the Detroit rhymer’s home state in the election.

The ad has gone a long way to show Eminem and Joe’s togetherness. They shared the Lose Yourself ad on social media and Fans are thankful to Eminem for allowing his 8’Mille to play huge for Joe Biden.

Eminem is full supporter to Joe Biden who is democrat candidate. He used “Lose Yourself” to push campaign for Joe and isn’t a song that won the Academy Award for Best Original Song, making it the first hip hop song to receive the award, and also won the Grammy Award for Best Rap Song and Best Rap Solo Performance.


Links, a co-founder of Aswehiphop, has been dedicated to the platform since its inception in 2019, overseeing the curation of artist songs and features compilations.