Nicki Minaj Misses Her Father as Killer Faces Year In Jail
Nicki Minaj dad passed way on 13 of February 2021, lately last year. He was killed by a man whose real name is Charles Polevich. Charles Polevich the killer of Nicki Minaj father, Robert Maraj on Hit and run accident.
Charles Polevich has been sentenced to one year prison following his convict in Nassau County, New York in. TMZ made to know that Charles was charged with couple of felonies earlier this week with one count of leaving the scene of an incident without reporting and another count of evidence tampering.
Normally, Charles would faced seven years in prison behind bars, he was such lucky to escape the long year sloppted for him. Judge Howard Sturiun has agreed to lash the 71 years man with a year in prison. Killer of Nicki Minaj Dad Charles is now sentenced to prison.
Nicki Minaj is still missing her dad. Sometimes she break down into emotion about the death of her father who the killer killed at the age of 64 years. She can’t stop paying expensive tribute to her dad because he means a lot to her while she was facing her career.
“I can say it has been the most devastating loss of my life,” she shared on her official website.
Source revealed to us that Nicki Minaj will always celebrate her Dad’s birthday in the best ways. She also shared some heartfelt post to social media account, Instagram. She said her dad would have turned 65th in May last year.
“Happy Birthday Daddy,” she wrote. “Miss u so much. So much. So so much. Rest In Peace. Oh my God. I also wouldn’t have been here with my dad because be be also contribute to my huge success.”
Nicki Minaj while remembering her dad at any moment, she has then moved on with her family and strength herself in taking care of her child, family entirely.