Mike Tyson Talks to Eminem As White Rapper Who Understand Black – Watch

Mike Tyson Talks to Eminem As White Rapper Who Understand Black – Watch
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Mike Tyson Talks to Eminem As White Rapper Who's Understand Black

Love it or loath Eminem has slew of black human panthers in support of his rap career. Sure foofy isn’t only closet and during recent interview Mike Tyson shown he’s all Stan to Slim Shady who put out Music To Be Murdered By as 10th accolade while in career.

In the most recent session of Hotboxin with Mike Tyson, the boxing legend unwrapped some positive about Eminem. Both him and Em sat at the interview yet reviewing they fan each other.

Mike Tyson shouldn’t be strange or stranger to Eminem since both parties had common shares which can be trace from past years. Meanwhile the interview isn’t only a venue were Mike basically talked about his boxing life but touch some parts that qualifies Eminem to be his everlasting fan.

You’re not no guy somebody gave anything. Everything you got is not even given to you, you f***in’ slaved for it, you know what I mean?” Tyson said. “You’re the only white guy that knows what it’s like to be a n***a,” he said causing laughter to erupt during the interview. Em admitted that he didn’t know how to respond to that saying, “you know, we all got our story.” Mike told Eminem who sat with him.

Mike Tyson and Eminem have been friends and not only lately decade can prove that. Both fan each other and Eminem also support Mike. Watch interview above.


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