Kendrick Lamar & J.Cole two 2019 Overrated Giants

Two great minds living under same era. From our close surveillance, Cole
and Lamar embraced peer to peer hip-hop network in such that both
parties nabbed electrifying accolades from their respective music career.
Amahiphop clearly stating J.Cole and Lamar are the most overrated
artists recently and probably this year after they were able to stay on
brand on separate angles.
Forest Hills Drive went under the
rader, recreating awareness as it turned a new layout. That album is actually a Godfather governing his upfront albums of course it was
released during 2014 and unbeknown to artists getting no guest
J.Cole Forest Hills Drive picked self-centred,
rooted itself into a solo without incorporating peers in hip-hop yet it
keeps J.Cole on a spotlight, depicting his strategist smart-work as the
album welcomes relentless accolades and acclaims.
Forest Hills
Drive; third studio album penetrated into 2014, braked-out and grip
platinum/Gold on 2015. The album headed over to January 2016 and leveled
up once again with another platinum. On October 2016 the album trail
another Gold which turned a double platinum status for that year.
On May 2019, J.Cole “2014 Forest Hills Drive” goes triple platinum.
J.Cole and small army delivers “Revenge Of The Dreamers III”, a followed
up to their ROTD II.
Another prestigious and profound rap power with a trending overrated album is Kendrick Lamar.
Lamar shelved into hip-hop for over a decades old and amassed loadable fortunes since his career. While Em retain Rap God as well a rap predecessor and trailblazer, i think Lamar is turning into a hip-hop
subject in the wake of his good kid, m.A.A.d city.
Kendrick Lamar good kid, m.A.A.d city was released on 22 October 2012.
The 2012 release is now sharing boarder with Eminem’s The Eminem Show
that spent a tale of weeks on billboard.
Kendrick Lamar good
kid, m.A.A.d city has tied the same records been held with Eminem
meanwhile is now the second Hip-Hop studio album to spend 350 weeks in
the Billboard 200 charts.
His now on a Homogeneous chart with
Eminem since his m.A.A.d Carved out a great spot recently and also one
of the overrated rapper. what are you saying ? Leave comment .