Jay Z Hires Lawyer To Sue Police Over Drawing Gun On 4yrs Child For Shopplifting

Our Billionaire Jay Z lift attention after a video of a police man,
drawn gun as physical assault against a couple and their shoplifting
daughter. The brutal and harassment action stem from may, and probably
causing stir following over extensive reaction from this cop question. Dravon Ames with fiancee Iesha Harper and their 4-year-old daughter
who developed the story were shopping, getting in stuffs and their
little girl take a left then engaged on shoplifting, picking one of the
closest Barbie doll unbeknownst to her parents. Now a cop seem standing
on brand watching the little girl and after the couple drove off to an
apartment complex they were astonished to see blue and red van riddle
with blue and white colour behind them.
“Our hands are up, we’re just trying not to get shot, trying to stay calm,” Ames said. “He had a gun
drawn.” The police man upped measures, portrayed in negative light as a
result of drawing gun over the couple and the aging kid. The
traumatizing incident has been depicted and clipped as video, trends to
segments and roots as it shows a police man yelling obscenities at the
couple and their young daughter.
The police man is now getting
some odds for child neglect complaints with a $10 million lawsuit from
the couple, Fox News 10 reporting.
Hov, the Forbes billionaire pronounced rapper is helping aim, hired Alex Spiro to
join the family’s legal team—pro-bono.
Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego has released a statement about the shocking
incident. “I, like many others, am sick over what I have seen in the
video depicting Phoenix police interacting with a family and young children. It was completely inappropriate and
clearly unprofessional,” Gallego wrote in a Facebook post. “There is no
situation in which this behavior is ever close to acceptable. As a
mother myself, seeing these children placed in such a terrifying
situation is beyond upsetting.”