Beyonce thanks students during YouTube’s dear class of 2020 streaming special, by the Obama’s, Sunday.

Beyonce thanks students during YouTube’s dear class of 2020 streaming special, by the Obama’s, Sunday.
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“The killing of Geoge Floyd,Almaud Arbery,Breonna Taylor and some other people have keep us mourning,”she said.

“We’ve seen that when we put our mourning hearts in action,could start a wheel of change, a great change that can cause mighty things. The real change has started with you,this new generation of high- school and college graduates who we celebrate today.”and she then thanks them for using there collective voice and letting the world know that black lives matter and that they deserve to live

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She also urge them to keep on protesting against the intimidation of the black Americans and also to continue being the voice of the voiceless who can’t speak for themselves, she also went further and told them that they can disagree in a way that’ will be productive to arrive at the decisions that Foster real change.

The supperstar was among a roster of A-listers to participate in the YouTube global vitual commencement ceremony “Dear Class of 2020.”

She went on to talk about the music industry’s owns biases and how that prompt  her to start Parkwood entertainment in 2010,she said that she didn’t see much role models of the female gender who are given the room do what she knew how to do and to help run her label.

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Both Beyonce and her husband Jay-z are among the protesters who have being fighting and also contributing to take actions against racism and she have also encourage her supporters to also donate to various causes taking action against racism.


Links, a co-founder of Aswehiphop, has been dedicated to the platform since its inception in 2019, overseeing the curation of artist songs and features compilations.

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