Lil Uzi Accepts To Pay Fan’s Tuition Fee

Lil Uzi Accepts To Pay Fan’s Tuition Fee
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The American rapper, singer, songwriter, Lil Uzi vert has taken the responsibility to pay a Fan’s 90k tuition fee when he graduates. Lil Uzi vert was a school drop-out and he never wants any of his fans to go through what he suffered before dropping out.

On Thursday, a fan named Raheel Ahmad who also bears @bigassheel shared a track of him asking the rapper to help him pay up his tuition fee. The rapper was walking through a store in Philadelphia when Ahmad approached him asking, “Uzi! What’s good, bruh? Can you pay for my college tuition?”. His college tuition costs 90k and Lil Uzi Vert agreed to pay for the Tuition under one condition.

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“I could pay for that, but here’s the thing though,” Uzi responded. “If I pay for your college tuition are you going to finish college or are you gonna bullshit?” Asked the rapper.

Sometimes most fans would not actually use the money to for the real purpose but the temple student, Ahmad had plans of paying his fees. He said he would finish his college even if the rapper doesn’t cover his tuition.

The Rapper asked the student for his transcripts and papers after he confirmed the students admission and promised to give 90k to the Temple student despite the the difficulties he is facing due to his mothers I’ll health.


Links, a co-founder of Aswehiphop, has been dedicated to the platform since its inception in 2019, overseeing the curation of artist songs and features compilations.

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