Kanye West Talk His Delusional On Jay Z Compare Careers

Kanye West Talk His Delusional On Jay Z Compare Careers
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Kanye West Talk His Delusional On Jay Z Compare Careers

Kanye West, tire dude who battle relentlessly with Jay Z during some consecutive years back. As of recently both parties as technical rap wizardry squeeze off beef and there has been some words spitted out from this rap powers of course Kanye West still can prove himself but not against Hov. Kanye West probably got some hit aimed on Jay Z beef although he didn’t penned it out as but he just made cameo of a song “Jesus Walks”. Sitting with David Letterman, on a new interview, Kanye riddle on his earlier career, talk about his delusional.

While on his second season with Netflix show, he was called out and all we can hear is “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction,” Kanye recalled: “Before we brought back this Renaissance era, it was like, ‘You’re a producer… this is all you can do’ and my raps weren’t as good as the ‘rapper rappers’ and my back story wasn’t as gangsta as all the rappers, so I understood why the kid with the pink polo’s raps were not being accepted as much.

“When I listen back to it I’m like, ‘Oh man, I wasn’t really as good as I thought I was’, but I had this delusional confidence to think that I could rap as good as Jay-Z even to the point of not playing him beats and saving them for myself…

“People think I’m crazy now; they thought I was crazy then… ‘You ain’t gonna play Jesus Walks for Jay-Z?’ I was like, ‘No, I’m gonna stash this one.” Watch below.


Links, a co-founder of Aswehiphop, has been dedicated to the platform since its inception in 2019, overseeing the curation of artist songs and features compilations.

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